
Ashes and Snow

So this past weekend was rather fun. Friday night was my first major work event. I hosted a reception at Lincoln Center for our New York offices. There were about 100 people at the Kaplan Penthouse a beautiful room with very high glass wall that were perfect for viewing the sunset over the Hudson River. Our national lead partner attending so I felt good about the weeks of work that went into coordinating this event.

Saturday the weather was incredible. I walked down by the water and stopped into Gregory Colbert’s Ashes and Snow exhibition. Check out www.ashesandsnow.org it was a very moving experience. I love photography and it was the most serene and balanced work I’ve seen. There were photographs that I stood captivated by. If you have the chance, go see this.

Saturday night we went to see Madame Butterfly. I’m not a big opera fan, but it was one of those classics I just needed to see. We had great seats and enjoyed the music, but felt it was time to go after the second intermission.

Sunday we biked up the Westside, everyone seems to be emerging from their caves ready for Spring.


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