
High end BBQ

For work we were invited to the Palace hotel for their summer BBQ. It was raining cats and dogs, but the party was moved inside to an elegant ball room. The food was excellent. We got a behind the scenes tour of the restaurant renovation (former "Le Circuque" space). The old world charm and attention to detail, they have these gorgeous doors that look like engraved leather, but it's actually small nails that make up the design. Later Gina and I spoke with some high end tour operators who provide conceirge services to the Queen Mary 2. They were providing us with great restaurants and event spaces around town.



I love Kristen Chenoweth, she's just so darn cute. I first saw her in "Wicked" and enjoy her spunky character on "West Wing". Kristen was at the Gay & Lesbian Center for a New York Times event. I volunteered to greet and do armbands (a good way to get in free). Audi sponsored the event and Here TV recorded the interview. She's just as fun loving in person and quite smart. I got to play Oprah…well not quite I got to move thru the audience to mike people with questions at the end. I stood in line to get autographed CDs for a couple of good friends and she took the time to talk about how she's coming to Atlanta and so forth. Wonderful gal!!


Tribeca Film

So I haven't been as good at keeping up with this blog as I should, lots been going on lately. I'll start with the Tribecca Film Festival. It was cool to experience this big event, see a few celebrities and enjoy some films. I went with my friend Gina to a selection of short films and later to see a Parker Posey film premier "Adam & Steve" (movie not so good, being in a crowd of excited fans- great). I had to get a t-shirt and movie pass.



Went to a club opening tonight. Providence (www.providencenyc.com) It was a great space, very rustic cathedral ceiling with huge wooden beams. It had a large space for socializing, but even better lots of nooks and crannies to sit in smaller groups. The food wasn’t that great, but it was a good location near Columbus Circle. So we got to hang out with some industry people and be entertained, the job comes with some perks.


Ashes and Snow

So this past weekend was rather fun. Friday night was my first major work event. I hosted a reception at Lincoln Center for our New York offices. There were about 100 people at the Kaplan Penthouse a beautiful room with very high glass wall that were perfect for viewing the sunset over the Hudson River. Our national lead partner attending so I felt good about the weeks of work that went into coordinating this event.

Saturday the weather was incredible. I walked down by the water and stopped into Gregory Colbert’s Ashes and Snow exhibition. Check out www.ashesandsnow.org it was a very moving experience. I love photography and it was the most serene and balanced work I’ve seen. There were photographs that I stood captivated by. If you have the chance, go see this.

Saturday night we went to see Madame Butterfly. I’m not a big opera fan, but it was one of those classics I just needed to see. We had great seats and enjoyed the music, but felt it was time to go after the second intermission.

Sunday we biked up the Westside, everyone seems to be emerging from their caves ready for Spring.


Yep, that's me with one of NY's famous Rockettes. Just before this picture we were doing our eye high kicks (that's why I'm a little shiny, it wasn't that I was anxious). So you may be curious as to how I ran into this Rockette this past weekend...well I'll tell you. My mom and two cousins (girls 10 & 13) were up to explore NY for Spring Break. We had a great time tooling around the City. We toured Radio City Music Hall, which is quite a spectacular place backstage, we went to see Phantom and of course they went up the Empire State Building. It's fun seeing the City thru new eyes, the excitment is contagious. The girls loved shopping in Chinatown (how they got it all home, I don't know) and staying up late just gabbing. It's different showing this place to the tween set, but a way to kick-off spring. Posted by Hello

Spring Time

The last two days here have been incredible. The sun is shining, spring is here. I walked home from work and put on my classical playlist. It was one of those moments you really feel lucky to be alive. So much life in the City ready to blossom out. Oh the warmth of the sun, the smell of new flowers. I love spring time in NY.